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The Ninth Regular Meeting between Chinese Primer and Russian Prime Minister Held in Moscow
2004-09-28 00:00

On September 24, 2004, visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held the ninth Regular Meeting with Russian Prime Minister Fradkov. Vice Premier of China Wu Yi and Vice Prime Minister Rokov of Russia also attended the meeting. The two sides summarized the achievements of China-Russia cooperation in the past year in a friendly and cooperative atmosphere, discussed measures to address existing problems and finalized their priorities in the future. The two sides also exchanged views on international and regional issue of common interest.

Premier Wen Jiabao indicated that ever since the establishment of diplomatic relationship fifty-five years ago, the relationship between the two countries have gradually matured and entered into a new period of comprehensive development after years of vicissitude. The two sides have actively carried out practical cooperation in various areas and great achievements have been made. The two countries support each other on important issues and have maintained coordination and cooperation in international affairs. Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that China regarded Russia as an important strategic partner and will always regard Russia as its diplomatic priority. He said China stood ready to work together with Russia and push the Sino-Russia relationship for further progress.

Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that as strategic partners, China and Russia should make long-term plan to their bilateral cooperation. For this purpose, he proposed six tasks for the cooperation between the two countries. First, further improve trade structure and regulate trade order. Second, expand mutual investment and regard infrastructure, energy, resource development, processing and manufacturing and high-tech industries as important areas of mutual investment. For this purpose, investment from China to Russia will reach US$12 billion in 2020. Third, promote energy cooperation. Energy cooperation is an important content of China-Russia strategic cooperation and is an important pillar of the trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. We need to reach into a long-term inter-government agreement on energy cooperation. Four, strengthen cooperation in high-tech industries and regard nuclear energy, aerospace, bio-engineering, chemicals, new materials and information technology as key industries of cooperation. Five, promote border and regional cooperation. Provinces (states) and cities that have already established trade and economic cooperation and friendly relationships are encouraged to carry out mutually-beneficial cooperation. Six, stress on culture and humanities cooperation and deepen the exchanges in such areas as education, culture, public health, sports and tourism.

Prime Minister Fradkov agreed to the comment of Primer Wen Jiabao on the relationship between the two countries as well as his plans and suggestions on the future development of the bilateral relationship. He pointed out that the Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation laid very sound foundation for developing the relationship between Russia and China and the relationship has been developing in a comprehensively and quickly, reaching an unprecedented peak. Both countries have maintained sound coordination and cooperation in bilateral relations and in international issues. He said that the Russian side judged relationship with China from a strategic point of view and expect the profound development of the bilateral relationship.

Prime Minister Fradkov pointed out that the trade between Russia and China has witnessed rapid development and fruitful achievements. The key issue at the moment was to optimize trade structure and increase the trade of mechanical and electrical products. He pointed out that energy cooperation between the two countries has become the most potential and most important one. Both sides should reach into a long-term plan on petroleum and natural gas cooperation. More efforts could also be made on the cooperation of nuclear energy.

Chinese Primer and Russian Prime Minister have acknowledged the conclusion of bilateral negotiation on Russia's accession to WTO and relevant documents will be formally signed by heads of states of the two countries.

After the meeting, Primer Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Fradkov signed the "Joint Communiqué of the Ninth Regular Meeting between Chinese Premier and Russian Prime Minister". Vice Primer Wu Yi and signed the "Summary of the Ninth Regular Meeting of Chinese Primer and Russian Prime Minster". Both leaders also attended the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding on Regulating Trade Order between China and Russia. After the ceremony, Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Fradkov met the journalists together.

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