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Wen Jiabao Holds Telephone Conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan
2010-06-13 10:32

On June 13, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan held a telephone conversation, marking the official launch of the China-Japan prime ministerial hotline.

Wen congratulated Kan for his accession to the prime ministerial post, and also conveyed Chinese President Hu Jintao's greetings to him. "I was warmly received by the Japanese government and people during my recent visit to Japan, and we have reached consensus on a series of major issues, further making clear the direction and missions of the bilateral relations," the Chinese premier said. Wen said he would like to keep close communication with Kan, enhance mutual trust, remove disturbance, strictly adhere to the principles stipulated by the four political documents between the two countries, push forward the bilateral strategic and mutually beneficial relations, and make greater contribution to peace and prosperity of the region and the world at large.

Kan asked Premier Wen to convey his greetings to President Hu. Kan said Premier Wen's latest visit to Japan was a very successful one, during which his friendly communication with Japanese people from all walks of life was especially significant to the long-term and stable development of the relations between the two countries. He said the Japanese government and he himself attach great importance to the deepening of the bilateral strategic and mutually beneficial relations, and are willing to keep high-level exchanges with the Chinese side, carry out the consensus reached between the two sides, strengthen communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and push for new development of bilateral cooperation in all fields.

Wen invited Kan to visit China at a time of convenience, and Kan expressed thanks and accepted the invitation with pleasure.

The two leaders also exchanged views on the situation of the Korean Peninsula.

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